About Me

Wellness Coach | Health Journalist

Featured Articles

Explore a featured selection of my writing work below.

Integrative Vs Traditional Medicine – How the two can work together

If you’re diagnosed with cancer, it’s only natural to want to do everything and anything you can to support your treatment plan. Questions, such as ‘How can I get myself through with minimal pain?’ and ‘Is there anything else I can do to support my treatment?’ may come to mind.

And you’re not alone; many cancer patients explore treatments, foods, and techniques that come from outside their oncologist’s office to complement their treatment plans. Research even suggests that up to 87% of brea

New Normal, Same Cancer - Bowel Cancer Australia

Delays in diagnosis and treatment resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have serious implications for bowel cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. is an international initiative developed in collaboration with leading patient organisations to encourage people to contact their healthcare professional, get checked, or re-book their missed medical appointments, to minimise the time between cancer diagnosis and treatment, from weeks to days. New Normal, Same Cancer is an international initiativ

Our everyday toxins are seriously threatening sperm quality.

tells how our toxic modern lifestyles are causing sperm counts to plummet. It gave me chills.

Most of us are aware that fertility is on decline across the world , and there is a whole plethora of factors (including the fact that in the western world, we're having kids much later) - but most notably, it's down to our environment and diets. A in the Oxford academic journal highlighted an "urgent need" for further research on this decline.

The science is in . The crap that we are putting into and

13 Healthcare organisations across Australia have come together with one voice to say: Don’t wait. Contact your doctor. Get checked.

COVID-19 has impacted life in so many ways: our family life, our social life, our work life. Many of us are limiting our interactions with others to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.1

But there is growing concern that people who have new or persistent health symptoms may be staying away from their doctor too.2,3

It’s natural to think that – if we have a new symptom – it will probably clear up on its own. That these things can wait.

But that’s not the case with cancer. The earlier canc

Can we eliminate cervical cancer?

The short answer is yes – we’re on track to do just that. While cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide, Australia is already leading the way towards eliminating the disease on a global scale, with promising results showing how it can be done

“Australia is a global leader in cervical cancer prevention programs, technology and research,” says Professor Marion Saville AM, Executive Director of VCS Foundation. “We have one of the lowest cervical cancer incidence

Everything you put on your skin, sinks in.

Everything your skin absorbs will impact how your body functions and ultimately, how you feel. 60% of the ingredients you place onto your skin are fully absorbed into your bloodstream within a mere 26 seconds.

Overexposure to toxins can lead to hormonal dysfunction, skin conditions and irritations, impaired liver, neurological problems, tumours and cancer. As we already live in a world full of harmful toxins - think cleaning products, pesticides in our food, unclean water - it’s imperative that